You were made to be free.

Fresh Start helps people move forward in life by experiencing the practical, powerful process of forgiveness.

It can be difficult to know where to start.

Are you stuck? Exhausted from trying to figure it out? Doubt things will ever change, so why even try? You came to the right place.

There's still good, waiting for you.

We believe no matter what has happened or is happening, there is still a path forward for you!

That’s why, for over 25 years, Fresh Start has been helping people around the world discover a hope they didn’t know existed and also healing for their hearts. 

The Pathway to Freedom


In this phase, you will learn how to move from pain to purpose as you begin to unpack the important principles in the six-part process. Fresh Start is free and available to everyone no matter who you are, where you are located, or what your story entails. You can begin your journey to freedom today!


Putting to practice what you are learning is vital to freedom. You can have a lot of knowledge,  but has it been acted upon in your heart? Let Fresh Start become a daily practice- no matter life’s ups and downs. Whether it’s your first time or fifteenth time walking through the process, there is always more freedom in your journey. 


Experience the life you were created to live. Free to be known, free to be loved, and free to forgive. After applying the Fresh Start process, you may discover a peace you never knew was possible. You may want to repeat the process all over again! Freedom is something you receive and also something you can give away.

Freedom Is Real

"When I stopped trying to control my circumstances, my circumstances 
stopped controlling me."

I am no longer angry,
I am free.

"I realized I had lived my whole life believing lies about myself..."

Freedom Is Real

“When I stopped trying to control my circumstances, my circumstances stopped controlling me.

“I am no longer angry, I am free.

"I realized I had lived my whole life believing lies about myself..."

Stories of Freedom

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